The only AI platform built by Obstetricians for Obstetrics.

It all started with the idea to help obstetricians, hospitals, and patients optimize the maternity experience. Over the years, we have developed innovative patented technology to help bring the best in healthcare IT to the birth experience.


Delivery Time Estimations

Our patented algorithms accurately predict delivery times for all types of obstetric patients. This reduces provider burnout by alleviating unpredictability and enhances scheduling efficiency. It also allows healthcare providers to offer better patient counseling, ensuring that patients are well-informed and prepared for delivery, ultimately improving outcomes in obstetric care.


Code Capture and Patient Hand-Offs

Simplify patient sign-outs by providing comprehensive summaries with relevant demographics and interventions, including cervical ripening agents, anesthesia, augmentation methods, and cervical examinations. Machine learning tools automate ICD10 and CPT real-time coding for timely and precise billing. Learn more now to save time, reduce poor outcomes and improve billable revenue.


OB-servability Dashboard

An intuitive analytic dashboard provides critical insights and tools to prevent poor maternal outcomes before they occur, enhancing proactive care and improving patient safety. Identify racial discrepancies in care and reduce risks in real-time.


Birth Model alleviates administrative burdens, boosts workflow efficiency, and enhances work-life balance for OB-GYNs through cutting-edge AI and predictive analytics, streamlining tasks and improving overall practice management.

Learn more about the worsening OB-GYN burnout in an article by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) using link below.

Read more here.


Malpractice rates in Obstetrics are high, with over 62% of obstetricians facing legal action. Birth Model mitigates this risk by offering precise documentation, real-time patient monitoring, and an additional layer of oversight, reducing errors and improving outcomes.

Learn more about the high risks of litigation as an OB-GYN in an article by the American Medical Association (AMA) using the link below.

Read more here.


Push Notifications and Mobile App

The mobile app allows providers to receive live updates on patient examinations, medication changes, interventions, and delivery time estimates. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play, it ensures seamless and convenient communication between nurses and providers. Additionally, providers can complete patient delivery notes and operative notes directly from their phones.


Diagnotes: Our Patented AI Note Assistant

Save time while documenting delivery procedure notes and operative reports with templates, automated procedure codes, our patented AI-generated notes, and detailed delivery summaries directly from the mobile app or from our SMART-on-FHIR Epic application.


Electronic Booking System

Say goodbye to faxing prenatals, consents, and induction/cesarean section booking requests. Our streamlined electronic system simplifies the process, allowing you to launch and add bookings conveniently from any browser or directly within Epic, ensuring flexibility and seamless integration.

Want to see how Birth Model can decrease provider burnout?

“At Birth Model, we’re bridging the gap in healthcare technology to significantly decrease provider burnout, counter the declining number of OB-GYNs, and prevent poor patient outcomes. Our innovative solutions are designed to support and empower healthcare professionals while enhancing the quality of care for every patient."

Sam Hessami, MD, FACOG, FACHE, CMO of Birth Model